Mentors for Non-Sporting Breeds

The following ODJ members have indicated that they feel qualified to mentor potential judges for the following breeds. An asterisk (*) next to a name indicates that this person is a parent club approved mentor.  See the Members page for contact information.

American Eskimo Dog Karen Scholz*
Bichon Frise  
Boston Terrier Gary Stiles
Bulldogs Jeff Ryman*
Johanna Ryman*
Chinese Shar-Pei  
Chow Chow Christine Cameron
French Bulldog Calvin Dykes*
Sharon Dykes*
Keeshonden Harold R. Brizee*
Lhasa Apso Larry Bruton*
Poodle Debra Ferguson Jones
Shiba Inu Chris Levy

AKC requirements for a breed mentor for ringside observations:  Parent club approved mentor OR breeder with a minimum of 12 years experience breeding, exhibiting, or judging the breed in conformation.

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